Banana fritters

3 or 4 medium bananas
60grams ofsugar
1.5 cups flour
2 eggs
2 tablespoons yeast
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
Whole milk

Banana fritters

1. Mix flour with sugar and yeast in a large bowl enough for a few seconds, add a teaspoon of vanilla extract, eggs, and continue beating to obtain a uniform mixture.
2. When we have the eggs and thoroughly mixed with flour and sugar, add milk to proceed slowly to the mixture. It should be done gradually because that feeling the thickness’ll take our dough, try to leave enough creamy.
3. Once we have the peeled bananas are going to crush, are added to the mixture and beat again to incorporate them with our mass. At the moment we have the finished dough to heat a pan with a lot of oil, donuts need enough oil to be fried well. When the oil is hot started to take tablespoons of dough and let fry.
4. Make sure that they are separated from each other and give a rounded shape, the feature donuts. Try to fit well everywhere chips alike. We took them out of the pan and put them on a plate with paper towels. Spend donuts with sugar to coat and you can already serve hot.